Thursday, June 28, 2012

Positive Personality Traits: Will It Help You Succeed?

Positive personality traits are important because it will influence the way you act and react to business challenges. It will help you how to run your business and attract more customers.

Internet business success is not rewarded for just showing up. It needs more than technicalities. I am amazed at some owners who could let personality shine through their work, which made them great. If you want to stand out from thousands of internet marketers trying to succeed online, you have to possess the following positive personality traits:

Sense of Entitlement

It is unrealistic to expect to succeed in your internet business without sacrifice and commitment. If you can count on anything, it is the fact that your efforts will not always give the results you expect. You must invest of yourself to achieve the desired effort. You must be observant, and patient enough to make the necessary adjustments.

Fear of Taking Chances

Fear is good but don?t allow it to keep you from taking chances, or you will be left behind. The very nature of internet business is change and chance so decisions will have to be made, and chances have to be taken.


It will help you succeed if you are patient. Don?t be consumed with the opportunity to earn a quick buck. Be tolerant. It takes time to get the hang of learning new ethical principles of internet business strategy.


If you have an analytical mind and are able to think fast, you can capitalize on opportunities.


Don?t get involved with internet business because you were laid off, or hate your current job. This is the time to reach out and help others. If you focus your energy in helping your target market achieve solutions to their problems, the more you will get back.


You must have the positive personality traits to be aware of how your business should affect others. If you are susceptible to your market, they will understand you better, value your input and respect you. People will be comfortable to contact you with sensitive issues relating to their product and service.

Sense of Integrity

Our sense of integrity represents our ethics, values, and actions that manifest our character. Integrity is hard to find because most people are only after making a quick sale or two. Many businesses exist to feed the hype and lie to take your money and run. Getting rich quick is all about short-term success goals. It takes legitimate business, hard work, determination and integrity to succeed.


Internet businesses take more emphasis on being superficial and living up to the hype. Marketers gloat and flaunt about the millions of dollars they?ve earned. They forgot that real people also want to do business with genuine people. If you?re authentic in your business, you will have the ability to be unique. Let your personality flow through your business. It takes a lot of strength to tell your audience about the mistakes and lessons you have learned.

Our positive personality traits make up who we are and nobody can clone it. Working online should be a learning experience. Persistence and the ability to correct our action is the most positive personality traits. Nothing in the world can take its place, not even talent or genius.

Janet Grace Ortigas is the Founder/Managing Director of Visual SEO Copy, the brainchild of a vision to create a writing service that provides a diverse and high-quality digital content across online platforms for entrepreneurs and business.

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