Saturday, June 30, 2012

Gillmor Gang: Over the Freaky Line

Gillmor Gang test patternThe Gillmor Gang ? Robert Scoble, Kevin Marks, Keith Teare, John Taschek, and Steve Gillmor ? watched in amazement and not a little fear as Mike Arrington baited @Scobleizer from the Friendfeed chatroom. What started as a Mr. Greenjeans-like pulling of various Google I/O tablets and weird music balls from out of his pants suddenly went south in a hurry when @jtaschek noticed Arrington in the chat. Normally we don't call this out, but Robert's Rant starts at somewhere around the 36 minute mark. Arrington wanted us to make him a clip and a ringtone out of this, but it's late and I barely have enough energy to write this. Maybe tomorrow. Feel free to download the file on iTunes and cut Mike a version. Enjoy at your peril: Not safe for work or anything else for that matter.


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